4-4-24: The Commies are After Me!!!

Okay first off this is prob not gonna be a normal thing for me to do (frequent posts) cause most days are lowkey boring. Something very not boring happened today tho! I was walking from the stu center, after picking up my face soap that was delivered a week late from my mom to Walgreens to pick up shamp and condish when something VERY unexpected happened. I was walking and looking at my phone when 2 people came up to me and asked how I felt abt capitalism.

I responded, "Uhhhh I hate it?".

When I said this their eyes widened and they started salivating.

With a smile on their face they asked me, "Would you mind if we interviewed you?"

For some reason I accepted. It was probably out of some sort of vain and it was like a chance for me to show how revolutionary I was. They asked me a bunch of questions relating to communism and stuff like that. I mean, to be honest, I literally nailed the interview and I could tell they were shocked to hear all of my views because it was exactly what they wanted to hear.

When the interview was over they started the persuasion. I like to think of myself as a strong-willed and impervious to people trying to sell something to me. So with that in mind, when they asked me if I'd like to join The Revolutionary Communists of America, I said probably! I don't know what was wrong with me maybe it was my desire to be a part of something bigger than me or maybe it was just because I'm actually not as stoic as I may think. I think it's prob the former because I do genuinely want to be a part of something like that. I made the mistake of giving them my phone number and after I did this they started detailing what they do.

"We have a weekly meeting where we discuss Marxist theory! We also do rallies and protests to raise awareness for our cause!" They proudly exclaimed with a big grin on their faces.

After this they gave me a piece of paper with info on their May Day protest at city hall in Philly. Not much else was said after this and we said our goodbyes. I was kind of under the impression that surely they would act on their communist beliefs and perhaps do some sort of community service? But boy was I wrong! Through their website, I could find nothing but great ideas and photos of their meetings and protests.

After this discovery I called Maddie and through this convo and letting the whole experience ruminate in my brain I came to the conclusion that I don't want to join this thing. Their ideals directly align with mine but they seem to be more interested in recruiting already established commies and do a great big circle jerk, spewing out ideas on housing and healthcare while people everywhere, in this case Philly, are hooked on fent, tranq, are unhoused, and filled with diseases.

So anyway I'm not going to be joining and I'm prolly gonna block their number because there just not taking this shit serious!!!